10 Tips for Coping with Social Anxiety for Children and Teens
Social anxiety causes people to feel intense fears or anxiety in social situations. This fear comes up in situations where they feel they may be evaluated, judged or scrutinized by others. Social anxiety can be a challenging experience for children and teens. It can make everyday activities, like attending school or hanging out with friends, feel overwhelming. However, there are effective strategies that can help manage these feelings and build confidence. Read this post to learn some tips for coping with social anxiety.
Understanding OCD in Children and Teens: A Comprehensive Guide
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is often misunderstood, particularly when it comes to children and adolescents. It’s not just about being neat or organized; OCD can significantly impact a young person’s daily life. Read this post to find out more.
Performance Anxiety. What is it and how can I help my child?
Performance anxiety is an excessive feeling of fear, nervousness or dread related to not being able to perform well, (failing being judged or criticized). How does it show up in children and teens and how can parents help.
What is Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal and necessary emotion, let’s discuss how it effects us.
Symptoms of anxiety in teens
Teens have different worries than children. The following is a list of some of the symptoms that you might see in your anxious teen and if you need help, reach out to me.
Digital Age Anxiety—How Technology Affects Our Mental Well-Being
Have you noticed your anxiety levels dropping when you have the chance to step away from technology for a few days? Maybe you feel especially calm when you are hiking or camping.