Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP)
A powerful listening therapy that can enhance existing treatment plans.
Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP) is an evidenced based listening therapy that is designed to help regulate the nervous system. It was created by Dr. Stephen Porges who is the founder of the Polyvalgal Theory. It involves listening to 5 hours of specially filtered music that is listened to over a couple weeks or several months or more. Listening occurs either with the therapist or at home with a trusted and safe support person, with regular check-ins from the therapist. It is designed to stimulate the vagus nerve and regulate the autonomic nervous system and aims to reduce feelings of stress, anxiety and emotional dysregulation.
How SSP Can Help
SSP has been found to improve self-regulation, social engagement, anxiety, sleep, social and emotional difficulties, auditory sensitivities, processing difficulties, digestion, resiliency, ability to engage in therapy, and focus and more. This change can be noticed within minutes or the shift in the nervous system may be subtle and it occurs for up to 7 weeks after completing SSP. Every nervous system is different and every individual can experience different improvements at different speeds.
Benefits of Safe and Sound Protocol
SSP can enhance or accelerate occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language therapy or mental health therapy. SSP can be added to individual's therapy for $300 or if you are just interested in accessing SSP while you are working with another therapist or therapy, please contact us to discuss a personalized plan. Please contact me for more details or click on this link for general information: www.whatisthessp.com/

Is SSP Right For You?
If you think you or a family member might be interested in this please contact us at (905) 464-1029, schedule a free 20 minute consultation today.